Hello there, I'm Trung - a javascript developer! 🥑

About me & this blog

Welcome to my blog! I'm Trung, a JavaScript developer passionate about coding and lifelong learning. I created this space to document everything I've learned throughout the year, share my experiences, and translate valuable content into Vietnamese to make it more accessible to a wider audience.

As a software developer with over 4 years of experience, I've had the opportunity to work in industries like business banking, health insurance, and HRM software. My primary focus is on frontend development, especially with technologies like Vue.js and TypeScript. I've also worked extensively with frameworks and libraries such as SCSS, Nuxt, and Vite, all while continuously striving to improve the quality of the products I help build.

Thanks for visiting, and I hope that you will find something valuable here.

My skills

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Technologies: Vue.js, Angular, Nuxt, NodeJS, MongoDB, SCSS, Vitest, Vite, RxJS, Micro FE
  • Vue Ecosystems: Vue Router, Pinia, Vuex, VueUse, Element UI, Vuetify, PrimeVue
  • English: TOEIC 960/990 | Japanese: N2
